Found a good restaurant along the beach? Saw a good deal with a 5-star hotel?
Well, crop the web page partially and create a note.
And why dont you note them and share with your close people?
Get Starboard and start to do so!
- How to create a note?
※ Will be saved url of the content as well so that you can open it later by tapping note.
- Is there a way to group my noted contents?
Yes, there is! Tags are a great way of identifying and grouping notes.
- Can I make multiple groups in StarBoard?
Indeed, you can! Group your family and friends depending on which type of notes you send to them.
- How do I know if members have shared a note in a group?
A push notification will be sent to your device once a new note arrives.
- How can I get connected to my family and friends?
You can invite them through iMessage, LINE, or email.